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Team Race Victory

Mike Segerblom

In Featured Posted

The team travelled to Stanford this past weekend for the first team racing event of the season, the MycIntyre Team Race.  Unusually high temperatures for Northern California came along with virtually no wind.  After a long postponement Saturday, racing began after 4:00.  In their first race, the Trojans beat the host team Stanford, and kept that momentum going for two more wins as racing stopped after sunset.  Sunday again involved a long postponement waiting for wind.  The Trojans kept up their success from the day before, losing only one race to the University of Hawaii.  Because the round robin was not completed, scoring reverted to winning percentages.  Ultimately, the Trojans ended in an unbreakable tie with the University of Michigan (the two teams never sailed head-to-head).  Congratulations to the team of Max Hutchenson, Alexis Tarajikan, Kelsey Rupp, Erik Samuels, Mallory Schluter, and Olivia Gebelein as well as alternates Danny Kivolovitz, Peggy Bobbin, and Alessandro Marazzzi Sasson!

Written by Mallory Schluter