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Trojan’s take the Triton Open with a dominating 1st and 3rd performance!!

Mike Segerblom

In Featured Posted

The USC Team sailed the Triton Open down at Mission Bay Yacht this weekend and came away with the victory!!

Sailing Varsity A division was Matt Hecht with Hope Modugno who took  all first places in the 9 races sailed!  In B division was the team of John Coakley with Melissa Schem winning 6 of the 9 races sailed.  These scores gave USC a 23 point victory!!

Our JV team also sailed well to finish third on the podium just points away from stealing 2nd!  Sailing in A division was Peter Wong and Paul Chyz, while Aaron Kiyotoki and Mackenzie Freeman sailed B division.

Our Woman of Troy also had a good regatta sailing in the Frosh/Soph regatta finishing a respecatable 7th overall.  In A divison was Christina Gasparich and Natalie Millstein while Emily Quirke and Susie Casillas sailed in B division.

Great sailing Trojans!!  Now looking forward to the Stoney Burke Regatta up at Treasure Island in San Francisco next weekend.USC - 2015 Triton Open